We need financial help. Donate and we’ll record a song for you. Deal?

Here’s the deal. We need money.

We have some of it, but not nearly enough to purchase all the things we need. A PA system. A drum set. Guitar amps. A bass amp. Microphones. XLR cables. 1/4 in cables. Power strips. Lights. A keyboard, guitars and basses would be nice.

Music stuff, you know?

In Kinks-speak: Circumstance has forced our hand to be a cut price club in a low budget land.
Translation: we can’t afford anything that isn’t in our budget.

Nevertheless, we have talented musicians who are creating music all the time and we are determined to get their stuff out into the world. This is why we’re asking for help.

How it works:

Every time you donate a dollar, we enter your name into a drawing. No limits. $20 means 20 entries.

What you win:

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If your name is chosen, you get to be the creative force behind a Bloomington Delta Music Club single that will be recorded and released on all platforms. A cover, an original, a good song, a bad song, we don’t care. Get creative. That’s the fun part!

How to donate:

You can venmo @bloomingtondeltamusic. If that isn’t an option, reach out to me directly (email: srboland@iu.edu) to work something out.

Our goal is to release a single within the coming days. We’re sitting on content, we just need help in getting it out. At the end of the day, we’re just a silly little (broke) music club doing our best here. Anything helps. We appreciate your consideration and look forward to seeing what comes of this.



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