A Short Review of the 2020 Spring Semester

Nobody could have anticipated that the 2020 spring semester would have ended so early. After the unprecedented growth of Bloomington Delta Music Club, it was hard to see its success be put on hold due to a certain virus that shares its name with a certain beer.

Note: Since there are no true scientific studies debunking the claim of whether or not said beverage will cure you, I can say that drinking said beer will not make your situation worse than before — especially with a lime wedge.

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Throughout the semester, Bloomington Delta played some knockout shows at the Graffiti House (that were absolute bangers), along with some great acoustic performances at the Pourhouse Café (PHAM for life, baby).

It is mesmerizing to see how the flow of ideas and chemistry has grown between members, and how BDMC has become more than just a club: it has become a family.

This is an organization that can take on a plethora of identities, yet still remain intact at its core. While the music is important, the true support comes from the members. Without the dedication, determination and passion that has come from all of you amazing human beings, the club would not be where it is today. The growth the club saw over the Spring of 2020 was incredible, and I know it will continue to grow as we look towards the future.

- Stock Photo Steve

Steve Davis

Playing guitar since seventh grade, Stephen had never thought about becoming a serious musician until he joined Bloomington Delta. Because of the organization, he worked to learn new skills and improve others. Although Stephen will be pursuing a career in the field of finance after college, he would like to continue his passion for guitar and playing live music.


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